Free Webinar

May 29, 2024 at 9 AM PDT/12 PM EDT

Bridge the Gap: Efficient Communication to Improve Your Practice

Bring your practice’s communications into the 21st century.

Simple, frictionless communication is the norm in every aspect of life—so why should clinical care be any different? If you’re still relying on paper faxes and other dated communication methods, you could be creating an unnecessary headache for your front and back office staff — and a barrier to entry for referring providers and potential new patients.    

Join us on May 29, 2024 at 9 AM PDT/12 PM EDT for a free webinar on how rehab therapy practices can leverage easier communication to improve their efficiency and increase their bottom line. Hosts Heidi Jannenga, PT, DPT, ATC, Co-Founder and Chief Clinical Officer of WebPT, and Dr. Peter Schoch, MD, Chief Health Officer at Kno2, will discuss how Direct Secure Messaging can eliminate unnecessary delays in care for patients and stop referral leakage for practice owners and providers—while opening up new referral channels. 

The webinar will be roughly 60 minutes long (with 45 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of live Q&A). If you can’t make the live event, don’t worry; everyone who registers will receive a recording at a later date.


Webinar Presenters


Heidi Jannenga

WebPT Chief Clinical Officer and



Peter Schoch

Chief Health Officer of